About me

Nanaimo BC  Canada

Ever since I was a little girl I thought of myself as an artist. I was never really interested in being anything else.

I gaze at things, trying to figure out how they work, visually. Once, when I was chatting with a friend, he stopped mid-sentence and asked, “What is it?” I was staring intently, fascinated by how the checked pattern on his shirt changed direction when it passed through a fold.

Colors, patterns, visual textures and designs thrill me. I love how a line can change from chubby to hairline and back again. Prairie sunsets, fireworks, and night skies full of stars leave me speechless. I like small things and details and am fascinated by how the very large and the very small are very similar. I love translucence and colored glass and light on water and sparkly things.

I lived in Quebec for several years and am reasonably fluent in French. My husband and I spent two years in China teaching English. I'm nowhere near passable in Chinese! Bruce and I have been married for over 30 years and we have three truly wonderful girls, three terrific sons-in-law, and three very precious granddaughters.

Why "enthusiastic artist"?
The word 'enthusiasm' has Latin and Greek roots and means 'filled with spirit'. That's what making art does to me: fills me with spirit.

Sakura, the company that makes the Micron pens used in Zentangle, shared an article I wrote about Zentangle on the company website. They wrote: "Margaret Bremner, a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT)... beautifully and succinctly describes Zentangle in "The Art of Zentangle" published by WHOLifE magazine." 
You can download the one-page article here through the link in the second paragraph.

See more of my artwork 
Here on the blog:
In the left-hand column, scroll down to 'Blog labels' and click 'My Artwork'.
Items available for purchase are under "Purchase my art" in the top menu.
And on my website: http://www.artistsincanada.com/bremner

And if you want to know even more about me...
The Zentangle blog occasionally features a CZT in an on-going series. This time it's ME!!! To learn a little more about me and my Zentangle journey, and see some of my favorite art pieces, follow this link: https://zentangle.com/blogs/blog/czt-family-tree-margaret-bremner

In my blog post "I got an award!" I reveal seven things that many of you probably don’t know about me.

In my blog post "Tagged" I answer 11 questions from another blogger who tagged me. 

The "You, Me, Religion" blog interviewed me about being a Baha'i here.

I was the featured artist in the Artists Career Success System in early 2021. That interview is reproduced on my blog here.