Monday, January 2, 2012

Recent Zentangle tiles #3

This is our last Monday without a Zentangle challenge so here are a few more of my recent creations: my Monday offerings while the lovely zentangle challenge Diva is taking a wee break.
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Deco Leaf, Fohbraid, Msst, Shattuck
Tangles: Caviar, Chebucto, Coaster, Crossview, Knase, Striping, Unyu

My brother recently bought some tamarind pods at the grocery store. You crack them open and eat the fruit inside, sort of like soft raisins with one large seed in the middle of each.  The pods are a medium brown. To those unfamiliar with the fruit (me, my daughters...) they look like dog poop. But the fruit is good! This zentangle had a similar lumpy, bumpy, curvy shape in it.
Tangles: Keeko, Munchin, Paradox, Zedbra
Tangles: Baton, Black Pearlz, Crescent Moon, Flux, Fohbraid,
Knightsbridge "Aura", Punzel and something in development


  1. I don't always stop to leave a comment, but I always love your tangles. I love the highlighting and shadowing that you do. This last one is so lacy and pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful tiles Margaret! Love the last one especially. Looking forward to our weekly challenges again too.

  3. Love them all. You create so much depth in your cards!

  4. Love them all, but that last one has all kinds of intriguing fun in it!

  5. I like the last one a lot too. I'm more comfortable with the patterns using straight lines, grids, etc. but I find that when I venture into the curvy, flowy, art nouveau type patterns I'm really pleased with them.
