Sunday, January 6, 2013

PIA - a new tangle

Late this past summer I taught some Zentangle classes at the 2012 Paint in Alberta convention. This interesting and simple pattern was the wallpaper in one of the rooms.

 Here's how to draw Pia.
You can vary Pia by changing where (and if) you fill with black or with thin stripes. Here are some possible variations and a tile (using a two-pencil string) with some of them.
Tangles: Beadlines, Knase, Pia

BTW: It's getting harder and harder to keep track of tangles and names. If this pattern has been presented elsewhere, or if the name has been used earlier, please let me know!


  1. Thanks, I don't think there is another like it! And I love it!

  2. Ditto. Its a nice simple one which could lend itself to many variations. Love your tile!

  3. Wow, Margaret. You always make the simple look so sublime!

  4. Like how dark, medium and light are part of the design. Love this tangle!

  5. lovely, thanks for the instructions :)

  6. VERY handsome tangle--I foresee getting a great deal of pleasure & satisfaction from using it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Thanks for sharing your new tangle. I love it!

  8. It is so elegant and beautiful, Margaret! Thanks for sharing. I am excited to tangle it!!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing your steps & your lovely tile! Another tangle for my Tangle files :-)
