Thursday, January 8, 2015

Winners of Cubine tiles!

A-a-and... the four winners of the Cubine tiles a-a-a-are...
Bette Abdu, of the United States, and one of the first ever CZTs.
Cathrine Nicols, a CZT in Canada
Rachel Inbar, who lives in Israel
Linda, who is one fine teacher
They have been e-mailed and when I receive a mailing address the tile will be on its way.

THANK-YOU so much to all who entered the give-away and who left suggestions of other tangles to be "and then some"d. Your ideas are much appreciated.

If you didn't win this time, don't worry, be happy. I'll do this again!


  1. Thank you Margaret. I'm so pleased to receive one of your beautiful tiles

  2. Congratulations to the four Lucky winners
