Thursday, June 14, 2012


... rather than concentric. I love the word play! Also love the idea. The DivaCZT's challenge this week is to make the string of eccentric - in this case: non-concentric - circles. This was fun!

I've been enchanted by Lara William's new tangle LinQ, so I used it along the outer circle here. It's rather organic and spreads out quite a bit, but that's one of the things I like about it!
Tangles:  Beadlines, Black Pearlz, KrliQs, LinQ, Tipple, Tortuca
and stripes with highlights

Here's something more contained.
Tangles: Bilt, Chebucto, Knase, Perfs, Prestwood, Xyp
and something that ended up
not being Not-a-Knot!

I've also been enchanted by Mimi Lempart's tangle Mi2 (me too). It's another tangle that's rather organic and can spread out at the edges.
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Mi2, Pearlz


  1. These are lovely but your top one is a real favorite. I love what you did with LinQ. Beautiful!

  2. Love, love, love all three! I also find Mi2 quite enchanting, but I can see that I need to play with LinQ too. The 1st and 3rd tiles are just sooooo alive...great work!

  3. Great tiles. I like the top one the most. There is lots of movement within the tangles that you used.

  4. i love LinQ - that tile is awesome! i like the rambling, wide-open feel.

  5. I agree with your other commentators. LinQ is fabulous.

  6. All three tiles are beautiful , but I like the last one the most. The Mi2 tangles spills over and seems to want to take over the whole tile!

  7. Vert pretty, all of them!

    Annemarie Hujts

  8. You always inspire me with your amazing art!

  9. WOW! These are just amazing! Your LinQ and Mi2 are fabulous:)

  10. Amazing, all three tiles!
    The first one is my favorite!

  11. I love when the Mi2 is taken large - its so beautiful! nice jobs

  12. These are all great, but I love the first one, it has so much movement.

  13. I just love all three tiles. I can't even pick a favorite!

  14. I can see how much you enjoyed creating these lovely pieces.

  15. All three are so fabulous and free! I LOVE the Mi2 in the last one--it just looks so fun and fanciful.
