Friday, August 31, 2012

Challenge 84 - blind string

I really like blind strings. They give such oddball shapes to work in. I had a sheaf of new tangles that I wanted to try and this seemed a good opportunity to do that. I started with Drobbles by Cindy Angiel. Once that was on the paper it seemed to call for more small circle patterns so I abandoned my plan and went with circles.
Tangles: Beadlines, Croon, Cruffle, Drobbles, Keenees,
Moon Rocks, Printemps, Tipple

Back to the new tangles I wanted to try. My second blind string tile includes Stephanie Skelton's Deelish , Carla du Preez's Pop-cloud and Maria Copetas' Shingle.
Tangles: Deelish, Fleuri, Krli-Qs, Pop-cloud, Shing, Shingle


  1. beautiful work - lots of cool new tangles, too!

  2. Both are lovely but I am fascinated with your circles. Very cool!

  3. They both are great. I like the first one better, but I am always drawn to the circle patterns. I enjoyed this challenge. I like to create random strings. It seems to be quite a challenge for my students. They are hesitant about strings. I just scribble something on the tile and go with it. :)

    1. Me too. I have no trouble with strings, so I don't quite know how to advise people who do!

  4. Never once , when I have seen your tiles, am I not just wowed by your stylish rich tangling technique! These both are gorgeous beyond words!

  5. Love these! You've inspired me to try some new tangles! Drobbles and cruffle are perfect together.

  6. These are beautiful, Margaret! (this is the first time I've seen my tangle in someone else's work! Totally stunned me!)

  7. both really lovely. love the continuation of the deelish.

  8. These are super examples, the top one seems like the night sky with lots of stars. I do like the bottom one if I had to choose though.
