Tuesday, December 11, 2012

(Looped border string) x 2 = mandala

Recently I used a looped border on four sides of a Zentangle tile and found that the loops created a string. You can see that post here. Laura the DivaCZT has made that idea the Zentangle challenge this week.

It occurred to me that I could do the same thing twice, on a round tile, and that might give me an irregular mandala form.

Here's my first one. I even used white on black and was happy with it!
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Knase, Paradox, Pearlz, Tipple, Tripoli

In the middle there were a LOT of small spaces to fill! I combined a few sections. In my second one I combined even more sections, ignoring some of the string lines (there are no Rules, remember?) It also struck me that an irregular N'zeppel was an ideal tangle to accomodate some of those tiny sections. Interesting how the dark 'star ends' of Tripoli make the points look rounded.
Tangles: Dansk, N'zeppel, Pearlz, Sand Swirls, Tripoli

I also tried sending the loop out rather than in. I think it's better the other way. I used some gray ink and some white ink, too.
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Crescent Moon, Ixorus, Tripoli and more

Then I thought, hmmm... color! But I'll show you some of those later.


  1. All three are really stunning! Thank you so much for the challenge!

  2. They all have special aspects and snazzy effects, fun, love and thanks!

  3. Simply Gorgeous ! Can you share the strings for these please?


    1. Thank you! If you read this post, http://enthusiasticartist.blogspot.ca/2012/10/news-flash-looped-border-creates-its.html you'll see the border/string I used. For the mandalas I simply did two squares rather than one, overlapped at a 45 degree angle. This is not nearly as complicated as it sounds! "A picture is worth a thousand words." :)
