Sunday, April 30, 2017

Drawing on my eco-dyed papers (*heart!*)

Recently I tried eco-dyeing some of my own papers and I've really been enjoying drawing on them! Here are some recently finished mixed media pieces.

(c)2017  •  8"x5.5"
There is some metal leaf on the moon that doesn't show in the photo.
Tangles: Aquafleur, Crescent Moon, Diva Dance, Finery,
Floo, Hurly Burly, Paizel, Pixioze, Printemps, Tipple 

"Moon Magic"
(c)2017  •  approx. 7"x5"
There's metal leaf on the moon that does show in this photo!
The leaf directly under the moon is a 7-circuit labyrinth.
Tangles: Beadlines, Black Pearlz, Diva Dance, Drupe,
Knightsbridge, Mooka, Opus, Paizel, Pearlz, Splice, Tipple, Tweety

"Enchanted Egg"
(c)2017  •  approx. 7"x5"
It's a real feather; unfortunately the green iridescence doesn't show in the photo.
Tangles: Crescent Moon, Drawings, Emingle, Featherfall, Pearlz, Tipple


  1. These are spectacular, Margaret! What a great idea to use aquafleur as part of a trumpet flower!!! I'm in love with the moon and with egg shapes in general too. I keep wanting to be in your head for a day... Thanks for all the inspiration you share so generously.

    1. Thanks Angela! I like egg shapes too, and every once in a while one shows up in my work.

  2. Oh my goodness!! These are beautiful. Is the egg a stone? Your style is graceful, balanced, nuanced and exquisitely rendered. Thank you for sharing them.

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I'm not quite sure what you mean about the egg being a stone.

  3. Total amazingness has happened to my eyes.

  4. Margaret, I've been following you for a long time (several years) and am so impressed and delighted with your growth!! Your art is absolutely stunning. The colors, the layering, the line work, the tangles you choose ... what a feast for the eyes!!! Won't you PLEASE come to Tangle U one of these years and teach us (well, ME!) some of your secrets?! These 3 pieces are truly gorgeous. <3

    1. Thank you Jan! Curiously, I had the thought last night that it would be interesting to pull out some of my very first zentangle tiles/artwork and put them beside some of my most recent work. (Maybe that's a blog post?)

      Since I had the huge problem travelling to TangleU a few years ago I've been very charry of travel to the US for anything art related, although - hallelujah - I did get to zenAgain. I intend to go to OgunquiTangle in November 2017, so fingers crossed. :)

  5. All are gorgeous!
    I can't stop looking.

  6. These are eggstravagant! ;-) Awesome!

  7. Just awesome. . . . i have been fooling around with feathers again lately. Must be in the air!

    these are spectacular. Thank you for generously showing us all your stuff and how to do them.

