Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Diva Laura's zentangle challenge this week is to use the logo of the Moebius Syndrome Foundation as a string. Laura's number two son, Artoo, has this rare neurological disorder.

All those 'ribbons' seemed an ideal chance to try some tangles that fill a 'line' rather than a field. I realize now that I have one of the twists wrong. Both times. Oops.
Tangles: Coaster, Diamond Drop, Gingham,
Knase, Knightsbridge, Meer, Seljuk

Then I thought about leaving the Moebius logo white and filling the background. What better tangle to use than Artoo! with a (L)Aura! Now that it's finished, I wish I'd left the tiny circles off the Moebius logo and just used shading.

Tangles: Artoo, Paradox


  1. Like them both but the first one has great depth to it.

  2. Those are both great and the choices for the tangles in the recessed area of the strip really make it look 3D (and the shading of course). Your string is more what I think of when I think of a Moebius strip - more true to the real thing than the official logo. I like the second one too, great choice of tangles!

  3. Love the way your Moebius strip pops off the page.

  4. Both are great, I particularly enjoy your negative space logo on #2 with Artoo!

  5. Both are nice, but I really like the 2nd one and that you thought of using Artoo's tangle!

  6. They both are beautiful, but I can understand you about the little circles. I think shading would have given it more dept.
    But still they are beautiful!

  7. Great shading on the top one, and I love the background on the second tile.

  8. Nice work, I like how they feel afloat. Soft and tender.

  9. You never seize to amaze me with your
    sense of beauty and space!

  10. I see this tangles a few times now and enjoy it very much. The mobius string is very well done!
    Greetings from holland
