Friday, September 6, 2019

Project Pack #6: Part 2

Zentangle recently released its sixth project pack and I've been having a lot of fun with it. (For Part One, go here.)

DAY 4:
Molly shows Munchin and Paradox, and transitioning between them. I included two other tangles based on triangles and some of them flowed onto the next page.
Tangles on this page: Fassett, Munchin, Paradox, Sqaro
DAY 5:
Julie draws weighted Printemps and her variation 'melting Mooka' with other tangles as fills. I didn't try the melting Mooka until later but it's quite fun, and - as someone else said - has an Art Deco look. A couple of mine got a bit rebellious at the end!
Tangles: Camelia, 'Nzeppel, weighted Printemps
Tangles: Black Pearlz, melting Mooka, Shattuck, Tipple
DAY 6:
Maria draws ING with some wonderful additions. I love the spiral fills! On the page beside it I did my variation curvING
Tangles: Ing, Pearlz
Tangles: curvING, Crescent Moon (layered), Printemps,
DAY 7:
Molly draws Indyrella. It's not a tangle I've done often but I enjoyed this.
Tangles: Indyrella, hints of Msst
There's more to come!


  1. wow, these are all so fantastic! I had fun with the new project pack no.6 ideas too!

  2. More wonderful pieces. Love the attempted escape from your Melting Mooka and how regimented your Indyrella are! I'm impressed by the smoothness of the white on your large Printemps (Day 5) - were these made with a standard gel pen?

    1. Yes, as far as I can remember it is the white Gelly Roll pen. I sometimes go over it two or three times!

    2. Thanks Margaret - great proof that patience pays!
