Sunday, August 11, 2013

Three zendalas

These three pieces were done with an initial random 'star' string. On the first one here I did a purple wash leaving some white areas. Then I drew the string respecting some of the lines left by the wash. Then, tangling!
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Bunzo, Deelish variation, Going Down,
Kandysnake, Knase, Kuke, Lamar, Tripoli
Is it a star or a flower?
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Fohbraid, Paizel, Paradox, Pearlz, Sindoo, Tortuca
And... a really wonky one that I just love!
Tangles: Black Pearlz, Flukes, Jemz, Knightsbridge, Paradox,
Pearlz, Spinning, Tripoli, Yew-Dee and something I thought was Warble
until I checked and discovered that I'd just made it up!


  1. All three are gorgeous. I am partial to the wonky one too! It has personality.

  2. love them !!! but how do you do a random string?

    1. Hi Melody, actually strings are random by definition, but with these I did try to get a vaguely 'star' design. Sometimes i use a looped border. Check this post about looped border strings: and this one about using it twice to get an 8-pointed flower shape. Sometimes I just go back and forth across the tile (in pencil of course). Hope this helps.

  3. thank you this is very helpful. I love your tangles!
